Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pinterest and Psych

I’ve been back in the States for almost 3 weeks now, and I felt that it was about time to update my faithful readers (of which I realize, I have very few…). Don’t worry; it’s not going to be another one of those emotional posts; I only do one or two of those every six months or so.   :)

So far, being home has been good…different but good. 

My friend is getting married in approximately one week, so I’ve been busy working on things with that, and I finally have an opportunity to make all the things I’ve pinned on Pinterest over the past 4 months. Tissue paper flowers? Gorgeous. Funfetti cake mix puppy chow? Delicious. Frozen hot chocolate? Chocolate-creamy goodness. Smore cookie dessert? Decadent yet simple. Black & white pictures in jars? Lovely. Tartara? Close to perfection. Green beans? Eh...not that great.

I’ve also taken time to catch up on the shows I’ve missed since I’ve been gone: Sister Wives, White Collar, Suits, Psych, New Girl, Bones, and a few others I can’t remember right now. I even saw a movie that came out while I was away and “discovered” a band (thanks to my lovely friend Liz…Philly Liz, as I call her to differentiate from my other friend Liz) to which I am now addicted.

Having moved past the immediate emotions of being away from the village and being back in the States, I can see things a bit more clearly. Sure, the moments of panic and extreme “homesickness” still punch me in the stomach, but I know that I will have those same moments about here when I’m back in Georgia. It’s easy to see what I miss about Georgia since that’s where I am away from; however, in 40-some days, I’ll be able to better see what I miss about here: family, TV shows, friends, music, random Pinteresting parties (does it count as a “party” when it’s just me making random crap in the kitchen?), and new movies. 

So for now and until I leave again on August 24th, I’m planning to craft as much as humanly possible, enjoy the people around me, shop at Walmart until I’m no longer exhausted by it, cook new dinners for whoever will eat them, and bake new desserts to give to anyone who wants it. Next up…homemade granola and mini-monkey bread.