Monday, March 19, 2012

50 Words or Less: March 12

Monday: Nika told me one of my Georgian dad’s best friends was in jail for 19 years, which, of course, brought me to ask, “Why?” He was in the mafia. And he killed his mother. And the man his mother was having an affair with. He was at dinner last night.

Tuesday: Celebrated the spring day with a walk through the Vazisubani cemetery before going to my dance lesson.

Wednesday: What is it about the bell ringing at the end of classes that makes students turn into wild animals? I know you’re excited about leaving class, but do not use your excess energy to attack a girl with your English book or scream in the highest audible pitch.

Thursday: Instead of saying “I love my jeans” for one of the dialogues, one of my 5th graders said “I love you” to his classmate. Further declarations of love then continued throughout class as everyone revealed who each other liked. And yet another day of dance, wind, and lost power.

Friday: Power came and went. And came and went. Played Trouble and made a Georgian verb dictionary, all the while realizing how boring my life has become.

Saturday: Went to church and came home to find that I would have 2 hours all to myself, during which I watched Georgia kick Russia’s butt in rugby, finished HP2, made lunch, drank a cup of hot chocolate, sang out loud, and edited pictures.

Sunday: Took a taxi, which included swerving at 70 mph to avoid cows, sheep, and potholes, to Davit Gureja, where we walked up a miniature mountain, and got back into the taxi, ran out of gas, got “towed” by the taxi driver’s parents, and witnessed road rage at 93 mph.

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