Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Welcome to My World

First of all, to those who are reading this (Hey, mom!), I will apologize now because my mind can be a crazy space. Second, to those who are reading this, I will not feel bad if you close this tab and never come back. Third, to those who are STILL reading this, thanks.

I've never had a blog...unless you count my "Xanga" account that happened a few months after it was cool and got approximately 2 views. I don't really know what I'm doing, but I like the idea that someone else may at some point read my thoughts and maybe, just maybe, they will make sense. Out loud, I have to carefully craft the exact word formation to give a listener a glimpse into my thoughts in a short amount of time; however, in writing, I have time to fully explain, fully develop, the idea.

1 comment:

  1. I saw on FB that you had started a blog, but Kazakhstan internet was a pain and had blocked WordPress and Blogspot. Now, though, I live in America. (Oh God, I live in America.) I'm very excited to read your blog!
