Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My Bucket List

I've decided to make a bucket list. Like recently starting a blog, I realize I am very "behind the times" in doing this now, but I think it's something I should do. Many - if not, most - of you may not care what I want to do with my life in the future, and that's okay, but I figured I should have a least some accountability. So, for those of you who were just waiting for the right opportunity to be more involved in my life, you could print out a copy of this list and bring it along when you are going to see me. When we run out of topics to discuss, you can pull out the list and quiz me on how many I have done and any plans I have made to cross off others on the list. Or not.

1. Get the sand out of my bed. Seriously, I went to the beach today, and apparently the sand has traveled with me. I'm not even in the same clothes! How is it everywhere? But I digress...okay, starting over, for real.

1. Go on a road trip - no agenda, no destination (maybe a budget) - just a car, my iPod, and a few fantastic playlists.

2. Learn to dance. 

3. Read the top 100 best selling books. 

4. Live in a different country. 

5. Suck it up and sing karaoke. 

6. Watch every movie that has been awarded the Oscar for "Best Picture."

7. Write a book. I don't care if it's published; I just want to write it. To be honest, no one would even have to read it. 
8. Design my own garden.

9. See the Northern Lights.

10. Become fluent in another language. 

11. Be in a musical. If I have my way, it will be one of the following: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Newsies (I realize this is stretching it since there are all of 2 female roles in this movie/musical), The Music Man, Guys and Dolls. 

12. Watch all 8 Harry Potter movies in 24 hours. 

12? Only 12? I can't believe I can only come up with 12 things that I want to complete in the next however many years of my life. Well, I'll keep working on it and update it occasionally...maybe. (That should be #13!)

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