Friday, September 16, 2011

Georgia Preparations

UPDATE: We’ve received an e-mail that states we should plan on leaving Sept. 28th. It’s not definite; it is, in fact, extremely tentative, based only on the departure dates of previous groups. Anyway, that’s the latest: I might leave on the 28th.

In order to be ready to possibly leave on the 28
th, I’ve started to begin some necessary preparations. First, I made a list of all the TV shows I will need to catch up on when I come back. It’s a really long list, but it will be a nice time killer when I come back, and I just want to sit. To go along with this, I have started stocking my iPod full of free episodes of upcoming TV shows. I have at least 6 pilot episodes, so my already-too-long list may become even longer.

Second, I’m making full use of the foods that I will not have a chance to eat while I’m gone. For example, this morning, I went and got breakfast from McDonald’s. I really love the #12 (although it changes everywhere) of a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel with a hash brown and a medium Coke. This morning, it called my name. I answered. 

I have also packed most of my winter clothes in a large suitcase in my closet so they are all together to repack into duffel bags when my family returns with them from Africa (on Sunday!). I think I made this preparation a bit early because it has become winter very quickly, and I am stuck wearing a tank-top with a thin jacket and a blanket wrapped around my shoulders for warmth…in the house. Granted, I could just open my suitcase, but that seems irrational. 

The final, most recent, preparation I have made is to stock up on the free e-books offered throughout the week from Kindle or Kobo. I don’t want to have to bring an entire suitcase made up purely of books (at least that’s what I keep telling myself), so I am trying to have an adequate amount of reading to do via my e-reader. I think the problem is that I am inevitably going to hate the free e-books I’ve downloaded, as they are comprised mainly of cheesy Christian romance novels and science fiction crap. I’ll probably end up reading Pride & Prejudice and Anna Karenina hundreds of times, so if I come back quoting either of these classics, don’t judge me.

While many more preparations (probably more important ones) wait on the sidelines to be started, I feel as though I’ve accomplished a lot in completing the crucial four I’ve highlighted above. I’ll keep you apprised of any further arrangements I make in regards to my upcoming adventure.

1 comment:

  1. "I don’t want to have to bring an entire suitcase made up purely of books."
    I felt the same way when I moved back from Kazakhstan, but then when I was in London, I couldn't stop buying books. I carried a bag on the plane that was nothing but books. Goodness, it was heavy.

    Good luck packing!
